Tuesday, February 24, 2009

One Praxis and a couple of midterms...coming right up!

Next Friday I have two midterms. One is on campus-Adolescent Phychology, and one is online-Vietnam. This is one of those times where I don't know if all of the information needed to do well on the tests will actually fit into my brain. I have been working today on studying for my Vietnam test. The thing about online history classes is that there is no professor telling you what to study and what will be on the test. You are given 4-5 books (per class....I'm totally serious) and told to prepare for a midterm and a final. That about covers the extent to which they go to prepare you for tests. I am also getting ready to take the Praxis II in about 3 weeks. It is going to be killer and I do not expect to pass the first time. I did, however, just spend $50.00 on a set of flashcards. (I know $50.00 is a lot of money for flash cards) They are supposed to cover the "hundreds of topics that you MUST know in order to pass the test". Yes...you read that correctly. It did say "hundreds"! But, I guess "hundreds of topics" is better than the infinate amount of topics that I would be trying to memorize if I didn't have the cards. I mean, World and American History is a pretty big name for one test. In other Odom family news, Josh and I got our taxes done last night. It's definately a releif to have that out of the way! I'm doing ok on my diet however, that might not last for much longer because I'm starving right now and I am thinking that we have an hour before the game starts this afternoon that we could run to cook shack! :) Well, I guess that is all I have to say about life at the Odom Residence for today!

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