Saturday, June 27, 2009

This weekend...

I should be studying right now for my two midterms on Tuesday but I thought I would take a minute to blog...because I don't want to study...

Right now the A/C guys are here installing our brand new state-of-the-art air conditioning/heat pump unit and it's oh-so-hott in here in the meantime...I have been cleaning house all morning ....I finished everything but the floors and I'm just too hot to sweep/mop/vaccum right now...I will do it when they are done! Last night while Josh was running at the park I went outside to check on him (the park is across the street so I can see him from the front door when he's running or playing ball) and I noticed how crazy-grown-up our sidewalks were with weeds...So, I got out the gardening gloves and started pulling weeds...Now, those of you who really know me know that I'm not much of a yard work/outdoorsy girl so you should be proud...I pulled all the weeds from the sidewalk/lava rock area and then I borrowed Tiffany and Eric's big scissors (hedge shears) and I cut all of our bushes...I even cut one completely to the root because I didn't like it. :) Josh cut the grass and he was very proud of me for helping outside...

Tonight when the A/C guys are done, Wendy and Jackson are coming over to go eat and to the movies with us. We are going to the Olive Garden (Josh's favorite) and then to see Transformers. I think they are going to spend the night and go to church with us in the morning. They have been wanting to visit our church for a while so I'm pretty excited for them to go with us.

Well, that's all about me for today...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


This is a crazy stressful week at the Odom residence. It's **MIDTERM WEEK**...I like to make it dramatic! Well, that's how I feel about it anyway! Besides being crazy over midterms...when I got back from Atlanta last weekend, our A/C was broken! AAh! It's sooo hot in here! We have called everyone under the moon to get estimates and everyone says the same thing..."It's broken...Get a new one..." Well, that's not good news...I won't even get into telling you how much its going to cost...Yikes! Besides that...we evicted our renter last weekend...(Another one bites the dust) And...she never paid for last month so we are trying to decide if renting is worth it or if we should put it back on the market...(Needless to say...It didn't sale last time) Then today, I went online to balance my checkbook and the Wyndham charged me way wrong for my room from last week and when I called the manager was SO rude...ugh...It's just been one of those days...So...I hit Josh really hard in the stomach (not on purpose...but it was kinda funny) then I cried really loud... (definately on purpose...not very funny) then I decided that we will be fine and then to quote one of my favorite people of all time... "I'll think about that tomorrow"...So, now I am sitting here blogging instead of studying...On the happy side of life...midterms mean half way is already here for the summer semester...Yahoo! If I pass all of my classes then I will be totally glad that I took on so much of a crazy work load. Also, I am going to meet Josh after work tomorrow to see Transformers with David and Lindsey... That will be fun!! Well, I think that just about covers it all for me. Thanks for listening to me vent on and on...Blogging is therapy...Don't ya think?

Friday, June 19, 2009

What I aspire to be

I have recently started keeping up with the blogger "Mama's Losin' It" and so here is my response to her prompt-

"What do you aspire to be?

I have always had big dreams. I guess that confidence in myself and my future plans is something that I was either born with or that my family gave me early on because I have always felt that my big dreams were not only possible but bound to happen for no other reason than that I wanted them to. they are in order:

1. My number one ambition in life is to be like Jesus. Although it is not always the top priority in my mind...I do want it to be. Being a child of God comes at a price and that price is to "take up your cross". Now, I don't know about you but sometimes my everyday, normal, run-of-the-mill routines get in the way of my "child of God duties". That's crazy right? But, nevertheless, life happens and gets all in the way of my big plans to always put God first. That is something that I don't think I will ever perfect but I will continue to work on throughout my life.

2. My second most important life goal is to be an amazing wife and mother. I'm not yet a mother but I have been doing the wife thing for a while and while some may be domestic and find everyday wifely chores such as cooking and gardening easy and simple tasks, I am not-so-domestic and HATE to cook. So, I carry out my be an amazing wife goals in other ways...Such as: unconditional love and support and then there are my everyday wife duties such as bill paying, and house cleaning, and clothes ironing, and that sort of thing... I happen to find being a wife to be the VERY best job in the world. And as far as being an amazing future mother, if I am anything like my mom, I know I will be a great mother.

3. My third goal is to be an amazing daughter and sister. My family is the best family ever and I love them a whole lot so I do whatever I can to make sure that they know how much I love and appreciate them. I love to spend time with them so I make it a goal to spend as much time with the parents as I possibly can.

4. My next goal is to graduate from college and be a great history teacher. I can't wait to graduate and I love working at the school and working with the kids. They are so amazing and they mean the world to me! I know that being a teacher is exactly what God planned for me because I know that I make a difference for them and they really listen to me and appreciate me. It's a great feeling to know that I matter to those kids.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Not-so-lazy summer

So, I haven't posted in quite a while...Turns out my lazy summer is not so lazy! I have been doing my field experience for the summer semester this week and guess where it is? Yep...that's right...I'm back at Blocton! I am glad though! I am working at the high school with history and English students. There are only 10 ppl in my class so we are really getting some good one-on-one time and it's not bad at all! Plus...we get out at 12:30! I have ten days to do this month and I have done 2 so far. Next week I am going to Atlanta with my mom and my sisters for a couple of days...I'm pretty excited about that! I am working hard this summer and there is a lot of work but everyday that passes, I am one day closer to graduating!! I looked at the ALSDE website today at all of the jobs listed for Alabama for next school year and there are (suprisingly) a lot of history jobs! It makes me feel better about finding the perfect job next year. I, of course, want the 9th grade at Blocton but I am just going to keep praying and I know that God will put me where he needs me! I'm really happy these days. Not working all day everyday does a lot for one's attitude! (plus, I still get a paycheck until September so...) Well, that's all for now!!