1. We just got in from our first session of Financial Peace University at church. It was good, very informative. Now this week for homework we have to fill out a budget form that is supposed to help us plan how we are going to spend our money. If you know me, then you know that I am 100% OCD about planning and lists. So, this budget planning is right up my alley.
2. My diet has been going pretty well. We rejoined the gym and Tiffany and I discovered Zumba (which is amazing) and Josh taught me how to do some other exercises that really feel (because of ALL of the soreness) like they are working. So far, I have lost 12 pounds. My jeans are seriously falling off already and it's very exciting. I want to keep going and tomorrow starts month #2 for me. Wish me luck!
3. My schoolwork is, well.... NOT going well so far. Can you say P-R-O-C-R-A-S-T-I-N-A-T-O-R?? Yep, that's me... I have had my first book assignment for my Vietnam class for a month now and am yet to really start. It's due Friday. NOT GOOD! It's going to seriously take me all week to get this done. (ALSO NOT FUN!) I also have a couple of tests that I have to take next week but then I should be caught up and I am seriously going to attempt to not fall so far behind again.
4. The pageant is starting to come together, which is good. I need to make a few phone calls tomorrow but other than that I have done almost everything that I can do before the week of the event.
5. February is going to be crazy for me... Josh's 21st birthday is February 9th. The weekend before we are going to have a birthday get-together/Super Bowl party for him at our house. Then we are going to go do something special together on his birthday evening. The next night we are going out to dinner with his friends from work. Josh has worked in the same office with the same people for two years now and I have never met most of them. That should be interesting. Also, this same week is cheerleading clinic and tryouts for our Varsity squad...AND Friday is the pageant and Saturday is Gracie and Sydnee's pageant.
I will start on Monday going to the middle school to practice with the girls for the pageant. We will have two seperate practices (one for 5th-6th, one for 7th-8th). Then after school I will have clinic with the cheerleaders. I will leave there on Wednesday to have dinner with Josh's work friends. Thursday is the actual cheerleading tryouts. After tryouts we will be staying to decorate the gym for the pageant. Friday is going to be a SUPER crazy day for me. I am the sole sponsor/director for the pageant so I pretty much do everything myself. (I'm not complaining, I don't like for people to help. --But, on that note, I don't even work at the school this year and am doing this event out of the kindness of my heart. SO, when that same special someone from last year comes to me to tell me how crappy of a job I did (which she will) I plan to tell her that I would be glad to come by any time and tell her just how bad I think that she is at HER job.--I know that you know (if you know me at all) that I NEVER stand up to people who bully me because I am quiet and nice. I usually just smile and nod and then go stand in the corner and cry (which is exactly what I did last year when she cornered me during the event to tell me that it sucked but maybe I could learn from my obvious mistakes and do it better next year). However, I sincerely hope that God gives me the courage to stand up this year and defend my un-paid work. :)
Sorry about that rant. I know it came out of nowhere. I have a lot of pent-up emotion. Letting people run over you never really gets you anywhere. I will learn that eventually.
Back to my crazy February, I will then be doing make-up for Gracie and Sydnee the following Saturday (that's two pageants in a row, but who's counting?) for their elementary school pageant. The next week I have a midterm on Thursday and we are leaving from my midterm to go to the mountains with David, Lindsay, and Jacob. They invited us to come spend a weekend in Lindsay's parents' cabin in Gatlinburg and we accepted. That will be a nice getaway from all of the chaos. ....AND I think that's all of my crazy February that is planned out so far...
6. Since I seriously have no idea what God has in store for us in the future, I am attempting to just focus on the present and stop putting so much pressure on myself to plan everything out. Again, I am a planner, so this will be hard. We'll see how that goes. :) Although, with all of the crazy chaos that is coming up next month for me, I don't think I will have much time to think about anything at all...