Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Making progress

It's almost time to go but I thought I would squeeze in a quick post before I leave today. I still don't have a cell phone because AT&T is as slow as Christmas! I am not good at not having a phone so I am trying really hard to wait patiently.

This morning we started testing. My job is to just basically sit in the hall. I just rolled my chair out there and read my book for Vietnam class. I have actually managed to get a lot of work done today. I discovered that highlighting the main things in the book is easier than taking notes for the outline. I also did the outline for my research paper and started the actual paper itself. I think I am mostly using the Wikipedia-"Ia Drang Valley Battle for Dummies" version of the story but I will have to throw in some facts from my 7 required sources. I know...college is ridiculous!

I am very much looking forward to Spring Break and then the end of this semester. I have never been so excited for summer in my life! Especially a summer where I am taking 7 classes! But, I know that it will be better than this!

My sweet husband downloaded last week's episode of Gray's Anatomy for me that I missed because our DVR was being crazy...so, I am going home to watch it today! Then it's back to work on this Vietnam War mess.

The good thing about testing this week is that after tests are over, I don't have any kids for the rest of the day! I love my kids (sometimes) but it's nice to have this peace and quiet time that I can do my work without the constant, "Mrs. Odom??"! :)

Well, I guess that's all for me today...I have to go do bus duty and then I'm free to go home sweet home!!


  1. Oh my gosh...I have to watch Gray on fridays from my laptop....and the past 3 weeks I haven't had my computer! I did catch one episode at my parents, but I'm about to die from withdrawals!!!!

  2. Aren't tests fun!! I am sitting here watching my 6 sweet kids struggle through them. I am testing in the computer lab with no proctor, so I am blogging and checking email. Good luck with your school stuff!!
