Saturday, March 7, 2009

So Fresh...So Clean...

Well, I made it through my crazy week and I actually got all of the stuff done that I needed to do! Yay! My midterm was crazy...It had 113 questions!! So...I'm not sure how I did on that. We get our grades back on Wednesday. This was a very welcomed weekend for me! This past week was exhausting and I am SO glad it's over! I'm planning to work really hard not to fall behind on my schoolwork for the rest of this semester! But, with my crazy life that is harder than it sounds. Josh took Luke back to the vet on Thursday and Dr. May said that Luke was healthy as a horse and ready to go back outside! That was a HUGE releif because I was not going to make it through the loss of both of our babies. We miss Buster really bad. Luke is missing him too. He seems to be confused now that he's back outside and Buster's gone. We had to put Luke on canned food because he got spolied when he was sick (we were cooking chicken and beef for him everyday) and now he won't eat his dry food. He is still on 2 antibiotics but he's happy to be back outside. He got a new pillow and Josh cleaned out his dog house. Josh also attached these extender things to our fence so that Luke doesn't have to be tied up and he can't jump out of the fence. He's much happier now and so are we! We have spent today super spring cleaning the house and it smells amazing. I won't disclose how much money we spent on new cleaning stuff today at Walmart but I got all new cool tools. I got a cook top cleaner that worked SO well! It got all of the burn marks off the top of our stove and now it looks brand new! (Thanks for reccomending that Megan!!) I also got a cook shower cleaner thing and also one of those things that sprays your shower for in-between-cleaning. I got a new toilet cleaner wand thing with disposable pads. I got a new swiffer....Yea...we racked up! We got like a thousand new candles and of course all of the furniture polish, vaccum powder, kitchen cleaner stuff that we usually use...THen...When we came home Josh took the vaccuum apart and cleaned it and now it works like new! It's like a whole different house!! We aired out Luke's room and vaccuumed and everything and now it finally smells good! As I'm sure you can tell, I'm excited for my house to be clean...I'm a bit OCD about that! This week we have no baseball games which is great! I have the Praxis on Saturday! :( I'm really scared about that but, we'll see. Then prom is Saturday night. One of the highlights of being a high school teacher is that you get to go to prom every year! I can't find a dress though. I don't teach high school yet but Tiffany does so I always go with her. We have hair appointments and nail appointments and it's going to be fun! Prom is on the Bama Belle (the boat) We had it there last year and it is amazing. I am so glad that Josh is home tonight and tomorrow. I have missed him this week and plan to stay stuck to him like glue until Monday. (He doesn't mind ) I guess that is all of my news for now. Things are definately a lot better now than they were this past week. Thanks to everyone for your concerns about Luke and condolescences about Buster!

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