Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Useless Information

Well, this is my last week of the Spring semester of classes. Thank goodness! This semester has just about killed me...and I guess I am a glutton for punishment because I am registered to take 7 classes in the summer. I know! It's a lot... But, I have to take that many to graduate next year and right now I am at the point where I will do ANYTHING to grduate!

Josh and I are planning to start working on our office this weekend and I am so excited! We are getting a bed for the guest room and I found this really pretty bedroom set on Sticks and Stuff website that is pretty cheap that we are going to see about this weekend too. I'm excited to see the finished product of the office. I think that it is going to be much more grown-up and professional looking. I will post pictures if we ever finish!

Other than that I am just counting down the days until this school year is over and I am free! It has not been a bad year but I definately have those end-of-the-year gitters and I can't wait until I am done! I am looking forward to just being abe to concentrate on college and SLEEP LATE! I am a sleeper so that has been the downfall for me this year with my up-at-5am job. I'm ALWAYS tired. I usually sleep when I come home from work for about an hour or two and then still go to bed with Josh at around 10. I have a B-12 deficiency. :) I like to use that as a good excuse to sleep all the time!

I got a Twitter. My aunt Tina sent me a request to get one so I did. I like it because the status updates are my favorite thing about facebook.

Oh, I am going on a field trip Friday with my kids. It's nothing spectacular. Acutally, I really don't know where we are going! But, I am very excited that I got a free t-shirt and I get to wear jeans! We never get to wear jeans and I have told Josh probably about a million times this year that if I could wear jeans then I would be SO much happier with my job!!

Well, that's really all of the news about us for now...A lot of people that I know are pregnant right now so I kind of have baby fever. But, I'm sure it will fade. It usually comes and goes. We still need a few years. But, we are painting the guest room a light color so that we can paint over it when we have our first baby. Planning ahead....


  1. Take some advice from the Tuggles.....God will give you babies when He is ready!! We have 3 that we weren't "ready" for and everything is wonderful. Good thinking on the light paint.....Chad had to paint over burgundy! Good luck with those 7 classes.....better you than me! I am glad things are going well for you guys....ya'll are so cute! Love ya!

  2. Thank you for the advice! I love your 3 babies to pieces. My mom was telling me a story about you and Luke choosing chips at Subway last week! He's so sweet! Have a good week!!
