Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stressful happiness

This is a picture of me and Josh at the fireworks show on the 4th...

This past week has been really stressful trying to figure out our renter situation and balancing school with trying to get a part-time job. Sometimes everything happens at once and you feel like you don't even have time to breathe. Well, the good news is that we did pick a renter and are signing with them on Saturday. Please say a prayer for us about this because renting has been nothing but trouble for us in the past and I will be way too busy in the fall to deal with another rental disaster like this past year. I have been taking applications to places that I think that I would enjoy working. (None of those places are in or near the mall!!) I am also on super overload trying to get all of my school work done this week because on Sunday, my sister and I are driving to Chicago to pick up my cousins and then turning around and coming home. The original plan was to meet them in Padukah but it got messed up and now we are making two round trips to Chicago in one will be worth it though because we never get to see them. I have to go tomorrow and run errands. I have to go turn in a few applications that I have filled out at home and then I need to go to UA library and return books from last semester (and pay their ridiculous late fees) and borrow a bazillion more books to write my 2 research papers this semester. I am oficially registered for fall and for my internship and waiting for my Praxis results. This is an increadibly stressful period in my life and this next year is going to be tough with my living half of each week in a hotel halfway across the state from my husband and my bed...but I know that God is taking care of us and we are so in love that nothing ever really gets me down. I am truly blessed and I am thankful for my stresses because they are the reason why I have a home and a wonderful life. No complaints.

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